barley grain benefits and side effects
Barley grain benefits and side effects
Arabic shaeer -
Bengali Hub- Sindi Jo-
English Barley- is a popular cereal.
In addition to starch and nitrogenous substances, iron and
phosphoric acid are found in it.
Temperament :
Cold. First class. Dry. First class.
Place of Birth :
It is being cultivated in every province of India and
Barley grain benefits and side effects :
Occupying habitat is heat, duretic and multi-nutritive, brings dryness.
Solidifies the material. Passion soothes the blood. Prevents bile and thirst and the severity of heat
Barley bread is heavy
and slow to digest. In summer, barley sattu mixed with syrup is used to quench
thirst. Barley should be moistened with water and allowed to
grow, and when it starts to grow, if it is
dried in a bush or furnace, then it becomes easily digestible and nutritious. Vitamin C is produced in it.
It is used in the preparation of the famous medicinal malt extract. See Doctor of Pharmacology. Which
is called a ghat. This decoction is used to make a decoction given to patients with fever. It is a subtle
and excellent food for weak patients. Its bread is the principle remedy for removing acne as it contains
putasem carbonate component. Allama Antaki says that barley
bread is a very good food to eat in
summer, it produces cold, quenches thirst and destroys
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