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Tobacco uses and side effects

Tobacco uses and side effects

Tobacco uses and side effects



Arabic Tambac-Sindhi Tamak-Bangla Tamako-English


is common.


 Green and red.


 pungent .


 hot, third degree, dry, third degree.

Tobacco uses and side effects:

 causes dryness. Creates thirst. Purifies brain fluids. Relieves

 shortness of breath, phlegm cough and mental colds. Smoke repels

 epidemics. Soluble is mucus. The leaves are also mushal oram.

 Tamba is mostly used for smoking pipe cigars and beridis and eating

 in paan. By smoking a little tobacco, bowel movements are

 accelerated and constipation is prevented. In asthma and cough, 4-5

 mash leaves are boiled or ground in water, so that the phlegm

 collected in the chest is expelled by vomiting, and its salt (khar) is

 kept in betel nut and fed for pain relief. Sunon tobacco, chewed in

 the mouth to relieve toothache, is a popular mixture, but its

 disadvantages are much greater than these partial benefits.

 Tobacco side effects:

Preparation has a very bad effect on the heart, mind and lungs, so its

 frequent use can cause visual impairment, insomnia, sore throat,

 cough, and loss of appetite. Shortness of breath with slight exertion.

 Heart palpitations, weakness and other disorders occur. The most

 harmful effect is on vision. Initially, the sight of both eyes is

 blurred. Fine letters cannot be read. If the harmful habit is

 continued, it can lead to blindness. It is called tobacco emboliopia in

 medicine and its harms are felt more in minors. Therefore, in most

 countries smoking is prohibited by law for minors and students.

 Each nicotine in tobacco leaves is 4-5%. This sim is a killer. A

 couple of drops of it kills a dog. Apart from this, hyd rocyanic acid

 in tobacco smoke. Carbon monoxide, pyridine, and ammonia are

 also present. Both the latter components create a positive effect on

 tobacco smoke. Smoking tobacco through sticks or seeds or

 smoking filter-tip cigarettes or smoking cigarettes with a bit of

 cotton in the cigarette holder every day is relatively less harmful,

 but inhaling it through the mouth or through the nose is extremely

 harmful - like smoking in the morning before breakfast. Its effect is

 more harmful.

Tobacco uses and side effects

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